Mga Pahina

Lunes, Mayo 18, 2015


                  FREELANCE WRITING SET JUNE 13
                  By: Ver M. Garcia


Are you stuck in a routine wherein you wake up so early and leaves you no choice but to prepare for work, commute and  travel more than an hour to your office and  spend more than 9 hours doing a never-ending job?

If yes, now is the time for you to ditch that routinary activities, to a paradigm shift that will make your dreams come true and become a freelance writer. Where work and play is now a reality.

 Bonding moments..
 Participants received their Certificates upon completion of the Seminar/ Workshop for the Freelance  Writing Do It Write - First Batch.
 Group Lectures..
 Participants sharing their views and opinions..

 Participants posed for souvenir photo for the successful event..

  Freelance Writing  where work and play is a reality..

Unlike, other workshops this offer a general overview of freelance seminar/workshop  that  will guide you through a new dimension in freelance writing.

The topics that will be discussed are the following: Career path guidance, Profile creation, Niche picking, Usual rate, Cover letter creation, Choosing the right job, Bidding for the job, Getting and starting the job. As an added bonus it will also tackle about: How to withdraw or claim your earnings, How to open a PAYPAL Account- your dollar earnings straight to your bank account, Tips on time management, How to organize and become productive, How to budget your earnings and spend your money wisely.

Participants will be given a certificate upon completion of the training seminar/workshop. Those interested to attend the seminar and workshop may contact Arch. Nizza Gueco at mobile no. 0917-4715481 and 0932-6795418 for details and slots.

Lunes, Mayo 11, 2015


High risk of undetected & uncontrolled complications in 


By: Teddy Cho

Panelists : Dr. Lynn A. Gomez ( Nephrologist, Internist & Hypertension specialist ) President, Philippine Society of Hypertension ( PSH ) Past President, Philippine Society of Nephrology ( PSN ) Dr. Leilani Mercado -Asis ( Endocrinologist, Internist & Hypertension Specialist ) Vice-President, Philippine Society of Hypertension ( PSH ) Past President, Philippine Society of Endocrinology & Metabolism ( PSEM ) Dr. Carlos L. Chua ( Neurologist, Internist & Hypertension Specialist ) Trustee, Philippine Society of Hypertension Past President, Stroke Society of the Philippines Moderator : Dr.Deborah Ignacia D.Ona (Trustee, Phil. Society of Hypertension)  
A global call of concern for a Lifestyle change which help control blood pressure(bp) an awareness initiative on National Hypertension Awareness Month (May 2015) and World Hypertension Day( 17 May 2015). Theme: BANTAY BP

According to Dr. Lynn Gomez,(PSH) the need for awareness, prevention, detection & management of hypertension becomes even more imperative now because of the increasing trends of the prevalence of risk factors for atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries, such as hypertension , abnormal lipids, diabetes, and obesity.Most important approach is to change three major behaviors such as: physical inactivity, poor diet and cigarette smoking, which have demonstrated to be responsible for the increase in the risk factors.These are highly contributory to cardiovascular disease, which is the number one cause of death in the Philippines and in the world.

LIFESTYLE changes help control BLOOD PRESSURE(BP)

Treatment of high blood pressure(BP) need not be too complicated.Although medicines are needed by most patients to control their BP, the mainstay in the treatment of hypertension and other risk factors is still strict compliance in practicing simple lifestyle changes.
High blood pressure is diagnosed when the BP is consistently equal or higher than 140/90 mm Hg.For most patients with uncomplicated hypertension, keeping the BP lower than 140/90 mm Hg reduces their cardiovascular risk. " In high-risk patients with diabetes, previous heart attack or stroke, chronic kidney disease and multiple risk factors, the BP should be ideally less than 140/90 mm Hg," advised by Dr. Anthony C. Leachon, President of Philippine College of Physicians. He stresses the need for lower BP levels in those classified as high-risk.

"Lifestyle changes can help prevent high BP, or control it in those who already have established hypertension," says Dr.Leilani Mercado-Asis.

Lifestyle changes are specially important for people who have risk factors that cannot be changed--so called non-modifiable risk factors, including family history, gender, race, or age." There is nothing that can be done about these non-modifiable risk factors to prevent hypertension and metabolic disorders such as diabetes and hypercholesterolemia,"explains Dr. Carlos L. Chua. According to health experts, lifestyle changes includes the ff: * Maintaining a normal weight, with a body mass index( BMI ) of 18.5 to 23, computed by dividing weight in kg. by height in meter squared;

 *Reducing sodium in the diet to about 2.3 grams a day which is about one teaspoon of salt ( Salt in cooking is allowed but not table sources of salt ; salt substitutes may be used ); *Exercising that raises the heart rate for at least 30 minutes a day on most, preferably all days of the week ( such as brisk walking, jogging, dancing, aerobics, etc.); *Limiting alcoholic drinks to at most two drinks a day for men, and one drink a day for women ( however those with history of alcohol abuse should totally abstain ); *Nonsmoking and avoidance of people who smoke to prevent second-hand smoking; *Getting 3500 mg of potassium in one's diet every day ( obtained by ample servings of fruits and vegetables ); *Managing stress with enough sleep, meditation and relaxation techniques; and *Regular deep, slow, breathing (Having regular sessions of deep slow breaths consisting of deep inhalation and slow exhalation through pursed lips with rate of less than 10 breaths per minute can help lower BP).