Solar Panels giving the needed electricity and power to far flung areas and secluded homes.
WOW.. Thank God our external debt to the IMF-World Bank amounting to the tune of of USD 60Billion was already paid!! That's According to the report submitted by the Phil. Central Bank Gov. Armando Tetangco.. If this is true then we are the most stable country in the world.. Monies and dollars keep on coming.. thanks to the heroic contributions of our OFW's, Seamen and BPO's Industry.. they deserve our kudos for this magnificent contribution..
So therefore, we need to invite foreign investors.. to venture on business that will redound to the benefit of the people.. exclude mining for this will only destroy and harm our environment.. Instead, invest on transport industry.. like encourage them to develop E-Jeepneys, E-Bus, E-Trikes.. and extensions of Light Railway Transit.. to provide the public with the most clean, cheaper and less cost transport.. Those will help zero in with air pollution and help in the clean air act.. done with the tollgates.. this will only increase or exacerbate the cost of commodities.. coz higher fees on the tollgates can no longer be afforded by the riding public..
One industry that foreign investments are needed is in the power sector.. How about solar energy and windmills?.. The cost of electricity in the Philippines is very prohibitive.. we are the highest among our neighboring countries next to Japan.. What's happening in this sector maybe we need to review our Energy Regulatory Board and the Power Sector Industry.. to come up with the study on how to lower the cost of electricity.. If foreign investments can help on this regard why not?
Tourism industry is also one industry that we have long disregarded.. the disparity of visitors travelling in ASEAN member countries were already to the tune of 25 million visitors annually compared to the Phils. We can only invite 2.5 millions tourist.. this is only 10 percent of the total tourists visiting Malaysia..
Maybe the problem is peace and order and security.. or cleanliness of the surrounding areas.. they said that Philippines is dirty.. I don't think so.. we are the cleanest in terms of grooming.. taking a bath daily.. changing clothes daily and armpits smelling clean always.. So therefore.. why don't we focus with this problem of security concern.. secure our visitors to the best of our knowledge and ability!!
Our lawmakers should increase the penalty for those who would harm our foreign visitors or tourists.. Maybe, you have other suggestions.. we must participate in the nation building.. that's the only way to help our beloved country.. (VerGarciaBlogs)