By: Ver M. Garcia (Health Blogger) and Teddy Cho (Health Blogger)
Good Health is More than Wealth, made possible to the courtesy of Miracle Health Corporation amazing products, introducing the amazing trio FDA approved. The synergistic effect of the Amazing Trio gives the body a holistic protection it needs to fight off infection and viruses, boosts and balance the immune system whereby it ensures wellness by keeping the cells in your body healthy. Therefore, it is necessary and recommended that you take all three products.. This are the Mega-A, Multi-Five and Miracle-C.
In photo, Health Broadcaster Jose 'Doc Joey Betito', a civic leader, CEO and Chairman of MHC has been in the wellness industry for two decades. He is a very successful entrepreneur and brings a clear insight about health and wellness.
Here is the summary of what the Amazing Trio can do to promote Health and Wellness:
1. Mega-A- a product of nature's Supreme blend of potent berries composed of super fruits for your daily dose of anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants are substances and nutrients in food which has the capacity to prevent or slow the oxidative damage to our bodies.
2. Multi-Five, contains five(5) powerful probiotic mushrooms,including Shitake Mushrooms known as the "Elixir of Life'' for centuries and Agaricus Blazei also known as ''God's Mushroom''. Both have demonstrated phenomenal healing potentials for 3000 years in China and Japan, Reishi mushroom is a powerful immune potentiator, good as a analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral, slows down the growth of tumors, Maitake the King of Mushrooms helps our endocrine system and controls obesity. Cordyceps enhances and strengthens the immune system by increasing the number of Natural killer cells, provides anti-aging and fatigue reducing effects.
3.Miracle C-the most advance form of Vitamin C available , especially formulated to be absorbed faster than regular Vitamin C products.It contains a neutral PH that helps protect from stomach upset that accompanies other acidic Vitamin C products. Miracle C contains the Five(5) great sources for the daily vitamin requirements:
a.) Ester C- known as the Better Vitamin C, a patented form of Calcium Ascorbate.
b.) Acerola berry- ''The Real Vitamin C'' one of the Richest natural source of Vitamin C.
c.) Sea Buckthorn- Himalayas '' Holy Fruit'', for the detoxification of the Hepatic cell - liver.
d.) Rose hips- Scientific name ''Rosa Canina '' for the prevention and treatment of various
infections especially the common colds and Flu.
e.) Indian Gooseberry - ''The Amazing amla berry'' which enhances food absorption, balances
stomach acid, fortifies the liver, nourishes the brain and mental functioning, supports the heart,
strengthens the lungs, regulates the excretory system, enhances fertility and provides remedies
for many diseases, no wonder it is widely used in Ayurvedic medicines.
A patient, Rene Baldovino, 63 years old of Malabon, suffered from mild stroke. He started taking a capsule each of Mega-A, Multi-Five and Miracle-C thrice a day. After a week of taking the products, amazingly begun to move and after three weeks he has fully recovered.
Numerous testimonies of people from all walks of life proves that health and wellness industry is fast becoming a Passport to Success.In order to protect the ordinary Networker , MHC ( Miracle Health Corporation) has chosen to market it's product through Direct Selling Marketing. Amazing Trio can be availed and purchased at the main office at the Miracle Health Corporation, Unit 218 Pacific Regency Tower, Pablo Ocampo St., Malate, Manila. For inquiries may call at Tel. 567-7577, 567-2643 or Celfon No. 0908-1222285. Look for Joey Doc Betito. Dealers are welcome. (VerGarciaBlogs)
By: Ver M. Garcia (Health Blogger) and Teddy Cho (Health Blogger)
Good Health is More than Wealth, made possible to the courtesy of Miracle Health Corporation amazing products, introducing the amazing trio FDA approved. The synergistic effect of the Amazing Trio gives the body a holistic protection it needs to fight off infection and viruses, boosts and balance the immune system whereby it ensures wellness by keeping the cells in your body healthy. Therefore, it is necessary and recommended that you take all three products.. This are the Mega-A, Multi-Five and Miracle-C.
In photo, Health Broadcaster Jose 'Doc Joey Betito', a civic leader, CEO and Chairman of MHC has been in the wellness industry for two decades. He is a very successful entrepreneur and brings a clear insight about health and wellness.
Here is the summary of what the Amazing Trio can do to promote Health and Wellness:
1. Mega-A- a product of nature's Supreme blend of potent berries composed of super fruits for your daily dose of anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants are substances and nutrients in food which has the capacity to prevent or slow the oxidative damage to our bodies.
2. Multi-Five, contains five(5) powerful probiotic mushrooms,including Shitake Mushrooms known as the "Elixir of Life'' for centuries and Agaricus Blazei also known as ''God's Mushroom''. Both have demonstrated phenomenal healing potentials for 3000 years in China and Japan, Reishi mushroom is a powerful immune potentiator, good as a analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral, slows down the growth of tumors, Maitake the King of Mushrooms helps our endocrine system and controls obesity. Cordyceps enhances and strengthens the immune system by increasing the number of Natural killer cells, provides anti-aging and fatigue reducing effects.
3.Miracle C-the most advance form of Vitamin C available , especially formulated to be absorbed faster than regular Vitamin C products.It contains a neutral PH that helps protect from stomach upset that accompanies other acidic Vitamin C products. Miracle C contains the Five(5) great sources for the daily vitamin requirements:
a.) Ester C- known as the Better Vitamin C, a patented form of Calcium Ascorbate.
b.) Acerola berry- ''The Real Vitamin C'' one of the Richest natural source of Vitamin C.
c.) Sea Buckthorn- Himalayas '' Holy Fruit'', for the detoxification of the Hepatic cell - liver.
d.) Rose hips- Scientific name ''Rosa Canina '' for the prevention and treatment of various
infections especially the common colds and Flu.
e.) Indian Gooseberry - ''The Amazing amla berry'' which enhances food absorption, balances
stomach acid, fortifies the liver, nourishes the brain and mental functioning, supports the heart,
strengthens the lungs, regulates the excretory system, enhances fertility and provides remedies
for many diseases, no wonder it is widely used in Ayurvedic medicines.

Numerous testimonies of people from all walks of life proves that health and wellness industry is fast becoming a Passport to Success.In order to protect the ordinary Networker , MHC ( Miracle Health Corporation) has chosen to market it's product through Direct Selling Marketing. Amazing Trio can be availed and purchased at the main office at the Miracle Health Corporation, Unit 218 Pacific Regency Tower, Pablo Ocampo St., Malate, Manila. For inquiries may call at Tel. 567-7577, 567-2643 or Celfon No. 0908-1222285. Look for Joey Doc Betito. Dealers are welcome. (VerGarciaBlogs)