The bamboo is flexible it bends when strong winds are coming and exudes the beauty of nature and it stands strong despite all calamities in life. Humility is a virtue and a beacon of good character traits, the bamboo's greatest quality, and a gift of God to mankind.
Blogging is a skill in writing. You can't just simply write.. it must have a sense of belonging.
Blogging is an art. You can be loved and be dislikened by others.. so one needs strong guts and determination.. it is an essential factor to become a Blogger... Plus with your writing skills. basic computer literacy and a digital camera are important tools in blogging. Blogging is a new and very challenging industry.. not only as a personal enjoyment or as a hobby. But, it's also a source of income or employment as well. The avenue to write or to blog is online offered by some social media outlets and websites or blog sites that one created.
A blog can boost search engine optimization.
It develops a relationship with potential and existing customers.
It can establish the business as an industry leader.
It can connect people to the blogged site.
It can create opportunities for sharing.
It makes acquiring information about a product easy.
Blogs are a good way to promote products and services online.
It can become a great source of income and attracting people to an existing business.
It helps business bloggers to gain more knowledge in their field.
Having a nice blog is joy in one's heart. Focus on producing a blog that’s great for your readers.
As a blogger, everything that you do flows from understanding your audience and seeking to help them as much as possible.
Blogging is like a conversation and exchange of thoughts.
Blogging is like a job, but without co-workers seeing you in every detail.
A blog is only as interesting as the interest shown in others.
Blogging is just writing. Writing using a particularly efficient type of publishing technology.
For most of human history, all published writing had been carefully inspected, edited, and approved.
In the last decade, blogging has turned the publishing world on its head. A blog allows you to write and publish anything, from anywhere and have it immediately available to millions of people all around the world. Blogging is a communication mechanism handed to us by the long thread of the Internet.
Blogs are anything that you can write under the moon and the stars.
The first thing you need to decide when you build your blog is what you want to accomplish with it and what it can do to become successful. Don’t try to plan everything out to the very last detail. The casual conversational tone of a blog is what makes it particularly prominent and remarkably astounding. Not only are bloggers who write anything remarkable, the same with the people who read blogs. When you write remarkable content, you stay engaged and excited with your blog. Your readers follow suit.
The Internet is about the availability of information or the internet of things (IoT), blogging is about making information creation available to anyone. Think like a journalist; the media we work on our blog sites or the websites and other social media platforms. There are voluminous of different factors that get classified and ranking as well, but the biggest is high-quality content. Your ultimate consumers are your subscribers, friends, and member requests accepted in all social media platforms and followers, not the search engines. Some social media platforms limit your friends to only 5,000 but you can create another account to increase your audience. That's more tangible and you can make an actual engagement when you post campaigns and important announcements.
Blogging is hard because of the grind required to stay interesting, credible, and relevant. If you want to continually grow your blog, you need to learn to blog consistently. You can work quite hard, in particular online, and do quite well independently, but if you really want to grow you need points of leverage and most of them come from knowing people. Engage and meet them. Attend events and invites it will enrich your horizons. Submit your article on time, which will endear you to the person who invited you. Befriend them, there's no substitute for friendship. Always keep on smiling.
A smile costs nothing, but it gives you so much. It enriches those who give it. It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.
If you love writing or making music or blogging or any sort of performing art, then do it. Do it with everything you’ve got. Buying and selling to people through social media is like going to a party, meeting somebody for the first time, and then saying, ‘Hi, How are you? I brought along with me the latest model of Celfon you want to buy online. Social media is not a temporary fashion because it’s being run by a human being. When blogging first became popular, many thought that it was just a passing trend or a fad. But, it has stayed around and more than meets the eye, it strengthened over the years.
Social media is around for a long time because we value our relationships with one another above just about everything else. A blog entry isn’t just a chat box or text, but a slice of humanity and an opportunity to begin a real conversation. Social media is not about one-time hits. It’s about building a loyal following over time.
First-time bloggers (newbies) often were seeking a large wave of traffic on his/her sites (people who visited your sites) that come with a viral post or a big media mention. Then… and they come to realize that those surges in traffic are made up mostly of people who aren’t very engaged and who don’t stick around for very long. There’s a lot of information out there for free, so you’ve got to figure out what makes your information different.
What you do after you created your content is what truly counts.
The term ‘Professional, Junior, Viral, Trending, Bloggers, Videobloggers, Brand Influencers, Entertainment & Fan Influencers, Social Media Influencers, Digital influencers, Most Influential Blogger’ is now a reality addressed to some enterprising and influential bloggers. Making money from blogging requires you to do is to drive a lot of traffic, then maximize the income from that traffic. But, content creation brings money also to the table. Companies will hire you because of the content you share and that makes their products more interesting and appealing. You earn money also with extraordinary photos. So take a shot and hone up your skills in photography. Bloggers seeking to make money from blogging, need to think also of another alternative stream of income revenue so as not to put all their eggs in one basket. We need to have another source of income. The currency of blogging is authenticity and trust. Most people think that the ‘currency of blogging is the actual currency (money). They think readers' authentic, valuable blog posts will give money in return.
Blogging is not a business by itself. It is a promotional platform, archiving platform, and connecting people places, and events. The key to a huge income as a blogger is a blog with a business backend. But, it is not constant and stable. It should feel genuinely good to earn income from your blog and you should be driven by a healthy ambition to succeed. If your blog provides genuine value, you fully deserve to earn income from it.
Blogging is good for your career. A well-executed blog sets you apart as an expert in your field.
Increasingly, employers are interested in hiring people who’ve cultivated an influential online presence. So sometimes the best resume is a blog. A well-maintained blog establishes your authority in a niche by showcasing your knowledge and dedication to the topic.
The Internet destroyed most of the barriers to publication. The cost of being a publisher dropped to almost zero with two interesting immediate results: anybody can publish, and more importantly, you can publish whatever you want. One must be careful about everything that you publish online: Speak the truth with your head connected to your heart. Think wisely before you post. We are bounded by the laws of the land. But, our right to express and say it.. is a guaranteed bill of rights in our constitution.
If you accept all the praises, you have to accept all the bashing and oppositions or negative comments.
In truth, the real opportunities for building authority and bashing through social media have only just begun. You simply have to look and see where things are going instead of where they’ve been.
The opposite is actually true: the Internet is still relatively new and it’s expanding in popularity and scope each year. We will be able to see the opportunities to benefit from social media and writing online included. Write with integrity and you never have to worry about your words coming back to haunt you.
There are no lines in the sand in the blogosphere except for those who draw those lines to get attention. It is a new paradigm in the digital industry.
Blogging is a new and evolving industry.. not only as a personal enjoyment or as a hobby. But, it's also a source of income or employment as well.
A blog can boost search engine optimization.
It develops a relationship with potential and existing customers.
It can establish the business as an industry leader.
It can connect people to the blogged site.
It can create opportunities for sharing.
It makes acquiring information about a product easy.
Blogs are a good way to promote products and services online.
It can become a great source of attracting people to an existing business.
It helps business bloggers to gain more knowledge in their field.
Poetry takes more than a good mind
Write through your heart and you'll find
Seek from inside yourself the magic
Embrace it and forget about the tragic.
In poetry, the pen is my strong sword
And paper protects my only word
You can make a single stain
But learn how to remove the pain.

Write a poem that's rare
Bring out yourself and share
Follow your heart and it will be fine
Be sincere and you will shine.
Poem writing is special
And living with it is crucial
Write down and don't miss a thing
Share it and it will mean everything.
Poems can connect to your heart
And a signal for you to start
A good poet writes a poem sincerely
Grab a pen and write fearlessly.
No to Instagram and Tik-Tok promotion. It will only flood our threading. You can easily promote that on your Fan Page and timeline. We created this to promote your blogs/videoblogs. To enhance our writing skills. To post our events that need to be blogged. This will help create an audience on your platform. To help our teens and newbies to hone their skills in writing. This will help you get events for engagements. Companies, Corporates, PRs, Advertising Agencies, and Start-Ups were posting in our group... if they are in need of writers online and video bloggers. By the way, when you OPEN or post an event you need a blogger/video blogger to promote your products and services. You need to learn also how to CLOSE the thread as a courtesy to those who have applied and for others who are also interested to join your event. Please give other companies and event organizers the chance to get or hire other capable and competent bloggers/vloggers. Having too many inquiries are a joy in one's heart. But, you need to carry only what you can. Replying to say 50 inquiries are very tedious. If you are serious about reading all their blogs or articles and watching them all on their channels... it takes a lot of time to review all of them. It's like reading 2 pocketbooks in one sitting. We are not a beauty contest here, bring as many as you can. This is engaging the bloggers to an event wherein you can show your wares or talents in blogging/vlogging. Reply and don't leave them hanging. Be Responsible. Be Transparent. In that way, you will gain respect and goodwill.
God Almighty is our guiding light and armor! Avoid libel suits by giving proofs, facts, or affidavits. Please like the page. Thank you very much.
Blogging is a skill in writing. You can't just simply write.. it must have a sense of belonging.
Blogging is an art. You can be loved and be dislikened by others.. so one needs strong guts and determination.. it is an essential factor to become a Blogger... Plus with your writing skills. basic computer literacy and a digital camera are important tools in blogging. Blogging is a new and very challenging industry.. not only as a personal enjoyment or as a hobby. But, it's also a source of income or employment as well. The avenue to write or to blog is online offered by some social media outlets and websites or blog sites that one created.
A blog can boost search engine optimization.
It develops a relationship with potential and existing customers.
It can establish the business as an industry leader.
It can connect people to the blogged site.
It can create opportunities for sharing.
It makes acquiring information about a product easy.
Blogs are a good way to promote products and services online.
It can become a great source of income and attracting people to an existing business.
It helps business bloggers to gain more knowledge in their field.
Having a nice blog is joy in one's heart. Focus on producing a blog that’s great for your readers.
As a blogger, everything that you do flows from understanding your audience and seeking to help them as much as possible.
Blogging is like a conversation and exchange of thoughts.
Blogging is like a job, but without co-workers seeing you in every detail.
A blog is only as interesting as the interest shown in others.
Blogging is just writing. Writing using a particularly efficient type of publishing technology.
For most of human history, all published writing had been carefully inspected, edited, and approved.
In the last decade, blogging has turned the publishing world on its head. A blog allows you to write and publish anything, from anywhere and have it immediately available to millions of people all around the world. Blogging is a communication mechanism handed to us by the long thread of the Internet.
Blogs are anything that you can write under the moon and the stars.
The first thing you need to decide when you build your blog is what you want to accomplish with it and what it can do to become successful. Don’t try to plan everything out to the very last detail. The casual conversational tone of a blog is what makes it particularly prominent and remarkably astounding. Not only are bloggers who write anything remarkable, the same with the people who read blogs. When you write remarkable content, you stay engaged and excited with your blog. Your readers follow suit.
The Internet is about the availability of information or the internet of things (IoT), blogging is about making information creation available to anyone. Think like a journalist; the media we work on our blog sites or the websites and other social media platforms. There are voluminous of different factors that get classified and ranking as well, but the biggest is high-quality content. Your ultimate consumers are your subscribers, friends, and member requests accepted in all social media platforms and followers, not the search engines. Some social media platforms limit your friends to only 5,000 but you can create another account to increase your audience. That's more tangible and you can make an actual engagement when you post campaigns and important announcements.
Blogging is hard because of the grind required to stay interesting, credible, and relevant. If you want to continually grow your blog, you need to learn to blog consistently. You can work quite hard, in particular online, and do quite well independently, but if you really want to grow you need points of leverage and most of them come from knowing people. Engage and meet them. Attend events and invites it will enrich your horizons. Submit your article on time, which will endear you to the person who invited you. Befriend them, there's no substitute for friendship. Always keep on smiling.
A smile costs nothing, but it gives you so much. It enriches those who give it. It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.
None is so rich or mighty that he/she can get along without it.. and none is so poor but that he/she cannot be made richer by it.
A smile creates happiness in your home, promotes goodwill, and is the cornerstone of friendship.
It can perk up the weary, bring cheer to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad, and is nature's best, an antidote for trouble.
Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is given away.
When people are too tired to give you a smile, give them one of yours. Smile at them and you will see they will also return a smile at you.WRITING MUSIC, FASHION, FOOD, LIFESTYLE, TRAVEL, ENTERTAINMENT, PLACES & EVENTS, ARTS, ENVIRONMENT, SPORTS, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, ETC.:
Social media is around for a long time because we value our relationships with one another above just about everything else. A blog entry isn’t just a chat box or text, but a slice of humanity and an opportunity to begin a real conversation. Social media is not about one-time hits. It’s about building a loyal following over time.
First-time bloggers (newbies) often were seeking a large wave of traffic on his/her sites (people who visited your sites) that come with a viral post or a big media mention. Then… and they come to realize that those surges in traffic are made up mostly of people who aren’t very engaged and who don’t stick around for very long. There’s a lot of information out there for free, so you’ve got to figure out what makes your information different.
What you do after you created your content is what truly counts.
The term ‘Professional, Junior, Viral, Trending, Bloggers, Videobloggers, Brand Influencers, Entertainment & Fan Influencers, Social Media Influencers, Digital influencers, Most Influential Blogger’ is now a reality addressed to some enterprising and influential bloggers. Making money from blogging requires you to do is to drive a lot of traffic, then maximize the income from that traffic. But, content creation brings money also to the table. Companies will hire you because of the content you share and that makes their products more interesting and appealing. You earn money also with extraordinary photos. So take a shot and hone up your skills in photography. Bloggers seeking to make money from blogging, need to think also of another alternative stream of income revenue so as not to put all their eggs in one basket. We need to have another source of income. The currency of blogging is authenticity and trust. Most people think that the ‘currency of blogging is the actual currency (money). They think readers' authentic, valuable blog posts will give money in return.
Blogging is not a business by itself. It is a promotional platform, archiving platform, and connecting people places, and events. The key to a huge income as a blogger is a blog with a business backend. But, it is not constant and stable. It should feel genuinely good to earn income from your blog and you should be driven by a healthy ambition to succeed. If your blog provides genuine value, you fully deserve to earn income from it.
Blogging is good for your career. A well-executed blog sets you apart as an expert in your field.
Increasingly, employers are interested in hiring people who’ve cultivated an influential online presence. So sometimes the best resume is a blog. A well-maintained blog establishes your authority in a niche by showcasing your knowledge and dedication to the topic.
The Internet destroyed most of the barriers to publication. The cost of being a publisher dropped to almost zero with two interesting immediate results: anybody can publish, and more importantly, you can publish whatever you want. One must be careful about everything that you publish online: Speak the truth with your head connected to your heart. Think wisely before you post. We are bounded by the laws of the land. But, our right to express and say it.. is a guaranteed bill of rights in our constitution.
If you accept all the praises, you have to accept all the bashing and oppositions or negative comments.
In truth, the real opportunities for building authority and bashing through social media have only just begun. You simply have to look and see where things are going instead of where they’ve been.
There are no lines in the sand in the blogosphere except for those who draw those lines to get attention. It is a new paradigm in the digital industry.
Blogging is a new and evolving industry.. not only as a personal enjoyment or as a hobby. But, it's also a source of income or employment as well.
A blog can boost search engine optimization.
It develops a relationship with potential and existing customers.
It can establish the business as an industry leader.
It can connect people to the blogged site.
It can create opportunities for sharing.
It makes acquiring information about a product easy.
Blogs are a good way to promote products and services online.
It can become a great source of attracting people to an existing business.
It helps business bloggers to gain more knowledge in their field.
Poetry takes more than a good mind
Write through your heart and you'll find
Seek from inside yourself the magic
Embrace it and forget about the tragic.
In poetry, the pen is my strong sword
And paper protects my only word
You can make a single stain
But learn how to remove the pain.

Write a poem that's rare
Bring out yourself and share
Follow your heart and it will be fine
Be sincere and you will shine.
Poem writing is special
And living with it is crucial
Write down and don't miss a thing
Share it and it will mean everything.
Poems can connect to your heart
And a signal for you to start
A good poet writes a poem sincerely
Grab a pen and write fearlessly.

God Almighty is our guiding light and armor! Avoid libel suits by giving proofs, facts, or affidavits. Please like the page. Thank you very much.
Strictly no pornography and distasteful nudity. Using and uttering vulgar and indecent language is not allowed. We will remove a member who will post pornography and nudity.. or any fake news or fake information.
Strictly... No Data Mining... Just post what you need and your requirements. (VerGarciaBlogs)
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